Nala’s nature
& biodiversity

We embrace the complexity of nature while providing clarity & actionability for businesses

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Everything you need for corporate nature & biodiversity management in 4 modules

1. State of Nature

Locate where you interact with nature, understand its condition and analyze hotspots
Your business's interactions with nature are local. A meaningful nature assessment is therefore location-specific.
Map your global operations and supply chain. Diagnose the state of nature in those locations. Analyze hotspots.
Our science-based and transparent nature intelligence translates raw data into actionable indicators across land, water, and biodiversity.

2. Impacts & Dependencies

Understand how your business interacts with nature
Your business both impacts & depends on the natural world and the ecosystem services it provides.
Quantify the environmental impact drivers of your activities and sourced commodities.
By combining impact data with the state of nature assessment we can determine the materiality of your impacts & dependencies aligned with CSRD, TNFD, SBTN, & GRI.
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3. Risks & Opportunities

Understand the financial & strategic implications of your
interactions with nature
Your business’s nature-related impacts & dependencies entail financial & strategic risks & opportunities.
Quantify and manage nature-related risks & opportunities across your value chain.
Our methodology combines state of nature scenarios with data on policies, impacts, and dependencies to  estimate your exposure and vulnerability to nature risks.
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4. Target Setting & Monitoring

Commit to nature positive action based on science-based targets and improve your interactions with nature
SBTN's (Science Based Targets Network) nature targets help you reduce your nature-related impacts & risks.
Set science-based targets for nature and track your progress against those.
We combine the state of nature and impact data to prioritize your sites and enable target setting by determining local ecological thresholds.

Navigate environmental
frameworks & regulations

Nala’s approach is guided by the leading nature frameworks and regulations. Our modular methodology aligns with and provides the required data for the following frameworks.

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